How To Check Whether A Spare Part Is Fake Or Genuine?

The most challenging aspect of purchasing motorbike spare parts is determining if the product is authentic or counterfeit. There are two types of buyers: those who insist on purchasing genuine parts and those who prefer replicas since the original parts are too pricey.  However, if the spare parts are offered at an enticing discount, even the first type may purchase exact details supplied by an unscrupulous provider. Companies have IP Enforcement Teams. They seize bogus parts and prevent their sale. Don't buy counterfeit components that are identical and claim to save you money. This small amount can become dangerous. Following these guidelines can assist buyers in distinguishing between authentic and counterfeit items.

Method To Check Spare Parts 

Check The Packaging

You should carefully read the packaging and look for errors in spelling that could indicate a fake. Take note if the packaging's color and design are consistent with others you've seen. Packaging is frequently imitated, yet the colors and design differ slightly.

Design And Colors 

Various businesses typically manufacture spare components and may employ different colors or designs. On the other hand, Fake art manufacturers frequently use duller colors. You can compare parts from one source with features from another to see how they differ.

Do Many Discounts 

Suppliers commonly offer discounts as part of their marketing strategy, which is legitimate. However, you should be cautious if the supplier is giving a considerable discount. If anything sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Date Format 

Most Audi Spare Parts Australia in include the month, day, and year of manufacture, but other nations may use a different format. If the spare parts are meant to be created in Australia, ensure the date stamp format is up to country regulations.

Uncommon Packaging 

If authentic part suppliers have yet to notify you of any changes to their product or packaging, and the part you are considering purchasing is different, do not purchase it.

Use Of QR Code 

Only purchase a different part of the authentic part providers have informed you of any changes in their product or packaging and if the position you are considering differs from the one you are currently considering purchasing.


The high-value OEM and OES parts all come equipped with an RFID tag that the manufacturer can use to track their whereabouts. RFID tags can be of great assistance. The manufacturer can check if the customers are receiving authentic parts. Wanna Shop for Volkswagen Parts Online? Using a reliable partner for your vehicle's maintenance is the most accessible approach to guarantee this outcome. At VW Central, you can purchase 100% original spare parts and products directly like Xforce Australia, Audi Spare Parts Australia, Volkswagen Spare Parts Australia, etc. For more info, you can visit the VW Central Official website.


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